ここに改めて生前のご厚誼に深く感謝しますとともに謹んでお知らせいたします。 葬儀は個人の意志と時節柄、4月24日近親者のみで執り行われましたことをご報告申し上げます。時期を見て協会主催の「偲ぶ会」を開催予定です。
佐藤成定氏は1996年より25年間に渡って当協会の代表理事をつとめ、日本障害者オープンゴルフ選手権など国内の公式試合はもとより、2014年には15カ国が参加した世界障害者ゴルフ選手権を日本で開催し、成功を納めました。 早くから障害者ゴルフの国際交流を開始し、パラリンピックの正式種目入りのための国際活動にも力を入れてきました。
2016年には長年の功績が認められて厚生労働大臣賞を受賞。 また、プロカメラマンでもあり、国内外の障害者ゴルフ選手権の様子や選手の写真を数多く撮影しています。
Seijoe Sato, President of the Japan Disabled Golf Association, passed away at the age of 78 on April 20, 2021.
We are in deep sorrow and would like to express our gratitude to him for his kindness during his lifetime. We pray for the repose of his soul.
At his request, and considering the current situation, a funeral service was held on April 24th with only his close relatives.
Sato played a major role in Japan’s disability golf and was the director of the association since 1996, for 25 years. In addition to official domestic games such as the Japan Open Golf Championship for the Disabled, he successfully organized the World Golf Championship for the Disabled in 2014, which was attended by 15 countries. He started an international exchange of golf for the disabled from early on and was involved in efforts to make Golf a Paralympic official sport. Without him, Japan’s disability golf could not have developed into the great organization that it is today.
In 2016, he received the Minister of Health, Labor, and Welfare Award for his many years of achievement. Sato was also a professional photographer, shooting golfers with disabilities in Japan and around the world.